There's no doubt about it; bicycles are a great way to get around town or simply to get to work. However, if you've been dreaming about taking your bike riding to the next level, you have come to the right place. Long-distance bike trips are a great way to test your limitations and enjoy the ride that much longer. However, before you hit the wide-open road, there are a few things to keep in mind.
Bring Plenty of Supplies
The continental United States is a very unique area of the world. This is because the country experiences a variety of weather from desert climates to frigid mountainous areas. Thus, it is important to make sure that you bring plenty of supplies on your trip, even if it's only a few miles. You should make adjustments to your bike and clothing if you plan on riding after sundown. After all, safety is your number one priority.
Train Beforehand
Much like anything you will do in life, there are some risks involved with long-distance bike riding. This is why you should train with smaller-scaled bike trips before tackling longer ones. You might be telling yourself that you are perfectly fine and familiar with your bicycle. Through these shorter trips, you will be able to not only strengthen your body but also learn about problem areas regarding your bike. The last thing you want is a broken bicycle 20 miles outside the city.
Plan Your Route
One of the best ways to ensure that your long-distance ride goes off without a hitch is to plan your route. This should involve not only marking down what streets or paths you're going to take but also any alternative routes as well. Fallen trees, car accidents, and rain can lead you to take another route. In addition, long-distance rides can be exhausting. Therefore, it is highly recommended to research the route and pinpoint what areas you're going to rest at. Look for rest-stops, shady areas, or even a gas station if you can find one on the way. Planning your route will allow you to enjoy the ride without having too much to think about it.
Long-distance bike riding is a great way to explore your area as well as test your abilities and skills. Utilize the information above to begin planning your perfect long-distance bike ride.
If you want an even better bike trip, try BikeOn to make your bike electric!
photo credit: Yair Aronshtam Bicycle trip in Gush Etzion, Israel via photopin (license)